Holistic Health as a Christian

Oh boy, will this ruffle some feathers! This topic is not for everyone & I encourage you to have an open mind when listening.

If you’re a Christian who has been confused about how to properly steward your body & mind, then this is for you.

If you’ve struggled with mental health imbalances, depression, anxiety, etc, then this is for you.

If you want to live your best life & learn to balance your biochemistry from a scientific & strategic perspective without any New Age practices- then this is for you!

This is what I’ve learned over the years when it comes to “holistic health” & how the New Age movement has infiltrated many health topics in our modern world… & how to get well & stay well for good so you can “run with perseverance the race marked out for us.”

Overall, we have great authority over our bodies & the Bible says it’s a temple. It’s literally where the Holy Spirit resides! What a blessing it is to have this dominion over God’s temple.

When studying the human body & how it operates, there is no doubt that we are divinely made. How does such a complicated & perfect machine just form spontaneously from microscopic sperm & egg?! I truly believe that science is just trying to prove that God exists. I LOVE using science & biochemistry to understand the body on a deeper, cellular level. It’s changed my life & the lives of thousands of others.

Enjoy my interview with Angela as we chat about all things health & how it relates to how God says we should be taking care of our bodies.

How and Why Functional Diagnostic Nutrition Works

The body functions in a phenomenal orchestration of metabolic processes involving cells, tissues, organs, systems, fluids, gases, chemistry and energy - including interactions with other people and a variety of other organisms.

This impressively complex metabolic orchestration is the result of a detailed set of instructions or innate intelligence at work on every particle of every cell. Our innate intelligence is analogous to the operating system of a computer. An operating system is designed to accomplish or manage a specific set of purposes.

Our potential to survive and thrive is largely determined by how well matched our operating systems are to the complex metabolic challenges we face in our world.

Innate intelligence has long been revered in the healing arts, but often its limits have been mistaken or overlooked. One prevalent idea is that of vitalism or the thought that the operating system is perfectly purposed and fully capable of adapting to all that modern life could throw at it. It shouldn’t take long in considering either natural poisons or deadly man-made chemicals to realize that such a position is wishful thinking. Likewise, there are such a variety of “inborn errors” affecting individual metabolisms that the old adage “one man’s food is another man’s poison” takes on great clinical significance.

We can imagine the day will come when it is possible to fully map out an individual’s operating system, along with the knowledge of the optimal operating environment as well as specific obstacles that might critically impair an individual’s well-being. For now however, those boundaries are still largely hidden from view.

Our innate intelligence can be a two-edged sword. It is ultimately what we must rely on for treatment success even as we investigate ways that it may have become unreliable. It is a sound principle to seek the “underlying cause” of an individual’s lack of well-being, but that is still more of an ongoing process between discovery and intervention than it is the sum of a group of objective measures.

Metabolic pathways are intermingled in complex ways and the origin of an individual’s symptomatic signal from a disruption of homeostasis can sometimes only be hinted at by an indirect measurement. We truly participate in the art of healing by applying time honored principles, such as embodied by D.R.E.S.S. for Health Success®, while taking advantage of every available insight that can be gleaned through carefully considered testing. In some cases, only a great intuitive leap (or an almost exhaustive set of tests) would give a direct measurement of the cause.

Healing opportunities are identified through taking careful histories and correlating them with the results from well-chosen labs. This approach has proven to be very beneficial, even though it is always proven by hindsight, since it relies on non-specific findings to fashion a very individualized solution. This process of applying wellness principles and exploring individual limitations leads us on a journey of ever deepening insights about individual obstacles to health and opportunities for overcoming those obstacles. The honest pursuit of these healing opportunities and creatively working towards their resolution is the basis upon which FDN works.

What is Your Free Copper Percentage?

With hormonal, behavioral & mental misalignments on the rise, I find the Free Copper Percentage (FCP) to be an important evaluation of the inner oxidative health of a person.

FCP is an indicator of the amount of copper that is not bound to the protein ceruloplasmin. When copper is not bound to its carrier proteins, it acts like an oxidative element (which essentially ages us & stresses us on a cellular level).

If the bile & liver aren’t working well to excrete it from the body, it gets transported to tissues for storage since it cannot stay circulating in the blood. This directly can affect the brain, liver, reproductive organs, adrenals, thyroid & much more.

How Does One Get High Free Copper?

  • Lowered Adrenal Activity

  • Impaired Liver Function

  • Sludgy Bile & Gallstones

  • Environmental Exposure: organic pesticides, pool water, copper pipes

  • Vegetarian/Vegan Diets: avocados, chocolate, nuts/seeds, spirulina, mushrooms, leafy greens,

  • Organ Meats, Lobster, Oysters

  • Supplements

  • Pyrolle Disorder

  • Micronutrient Deficiencies

  • Birth Control

  • Inheriting From Mother

Common Symptoms of High Free Copper Percentage

●  anxiety

●  tired & wired

●  easily upset and emotional

●  mood swings

●  mania/depression

●  anger and violence

●  mental illnesses (bi-polar, ADHD, schizophrenia, depression)

●  concentration & memory problems

●  strong self-criticism

●  headache/migraine

●  tiredness and exhaustion

●  insomnia

●  poor immune response

●  skin problems

●  hair loss

●  yeast infection

●  high estrogen (bloating, low libido, PMT)

●  joint aches and pains

Testing For Free Copper Percentage

The minimum testing requirements from a standard bloodwork perspective are copper serum, zinc, & ceruloplasmin. I also personally recommend a full iron panel & evaluating additional micronutrients. You can see my Add On Vitamin Panel & Comprehensive Panel here, which includes the copper evaluation basics.

With these measurements, FCP can be calculated, which commonly explains why those struggling are having such symptoms.

Lowing this FCP to a healthy place (8-15%) is a multifaceted task. Detoxing this additional stored copper needs to happen at a gentle pace in order to avoid copper “dumping” symptoms (which is pretty much all the symptoms listed above).

Detoxing an overload is one thing, it’s another to make sure copper is getting into the cells & is not actually a bioavailability issue at a cellular level. Again, we can tell how this is happening by looking at an intracellular micronutrient panel & comparing it to extracellular blood work & the Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis.

If this is something you think you might be struggling with & would like support, click the button above to see my process of looking at the full status of the health of your body.

You can also access getting regular blood work (that you can do from any Labcorp across the country!) by checking out my shop page. I recommend the Comprehensive Profile & the Add-On Vitamins/Minerals panel to understand your Free Copper Percentage.