Easy Organic Grocery Ordering

Years ago, our family learned about the dangers of glyphosate & the pesticides companies use in food production. We have since committed to buying the majority of our groceries organic- which not only helps our health but also helps the planet by voting with our dollars & encouraging more farmers to use poison-free farming practices.

What do we need to buy organically?

At a minimum, I recommend following the Environmental Working Groups Clean 15 & Dirty Dozen Guide. They have investigated & determined which produce is most sprayed & which is safest to consume non-organically. You can read more about the EWG list here.


  1. Strawberries

  2. Spinach

  3. Kale, Collard & Mustard Greens

  4. Peaches

  5. Pears

  6. Nectarines

  7. Apples

  8. Grapes

  9. Bell & Hot Peppers

  10. Cherries

  11. Blueberries

  12. Green Beans

GMO Crops - Also Dirty!

  1. Corn

  2. Papaya

  3. Summer Squash

  4. Soybeans

  5. Pineapple

  6. Potatos

  7. Beets

The foods above are known to be grown using genetically modified seeds. I would personally recommend staying away from anything labeled GMO or anything listed as “bioengineered” or “derived from bioengineering.”

The Clean Fifteen

  1. Avocadoes

  2. Onions

  3. Sweet Peas

  4. Asparagus

  5. Honeydew melon

  6. Kiwi

  7. Cabbage

  8. Mushrooms

  9. Mangos

  10. Sweet Potato

  11. Watermelon

  12. Carrots

(#’s 13-15 are common GMO crops so I’ve excluded them from my list of foods that are “clean”)

With Azure Standard, we like to order our bulk cooking & baking supplies here. Some things we reorder frequently are their organic butter, flours, frozen fruits & veggies, healthcare/homeopathic items, dried fruits, chocolate chips, coconut cream, pasta noodles, tortillas, vanilla extract & cheddar cheese powder. Check out the video above for our full grocery haul!

Misfit Market Delivery

We’ve used this delivery system for almost 2 years now & just love how easy it is. Not everything is organic on this site, but the majority is & the categories makes it really easy to shop for exactly what you need. We get a lot of our meat, cheese, & fruits/veggies from them weekly!

I get a major savings with them as not every piece of produce is “pretty”. They carry a lot of stuff that the main stream stores reject, which makes it super affordable for us here! Usually our grocery store has organic red peppers 2/$5 but from Misfit, I’ve been known to get the same organic 2 peppers for $2.50. That adds up over time!