Anti-Aging, Hormone Friendly Skincare

After years of trying different “clean” skincare products, I have finally found something that has produced visible results & is safe for those on a journey of balancing their hormones & reducing toxic products.

I thought I’d struggle with large pores for the rest of my life because it was “genetic” from my grandfathers side. Well let me tell ya, that is NOT the case!

In just one wash using the Clearity (that’s designed for cleaning out & minimizing pores) my pores were purging gunk & shrinking up. This stuff is amazing!

Optimizing Skin Barrier

skin ph, acidic, alkaline, optimal skin

Let’s begin with some wildly important info to understand.

The skin has a barrier called the ACID MANTLE & it needs to be maintained at a specific pH to keep bacterial balance in check, prevent water loss & protect against environmental pollutants.

Most products on the market are too acidic or too alkaline which damages this barrier & causes bacterial imbalance (which can lead to acne, dryness, sensitivity & inflammation).

I first learned about this 5 years ago when we bought a Kangen water machine. It makes a specific pH balanced water called “Beauty Water” that’s designed to be a natural toner & great for the skin. It has a pH of 5.5 - 6 which is the perfect pH for optimal skin health. Once I started washing my face with this & using it as a toner several times a day, I really started to notice an increase in my skin’s hydration & “glowiness”.

(This slightly acidic water is also what makes my houseplants thrive! Healthy soil & thriving plants need the same pH balance as our skin!)

Using filtered & ionized water that is designed to support skin health along with this line of smartly designed skincare products will help you get the anti-aging results you’ve been looking for.

Acne & skin health is also very much INTERNAL

Another important thing to note is that what is happening on the inside of your body will show up on the outside of your body.

I personally struggled with terribly painful cystic acne for years until I did a stool test & discovered I had several bacterial infections wreaking havoc in my body.

After working on my gut health, removing the infections & balancing my hormones I found myself totally cystic acne-free for the first time in SO long!

From there on, I still struggled with whiteheads & clogged pores until I switched to washing & rinsing with the Beauty Water from our Kangen machine.

Soon after that, I quit wearing face makeup entirely which started to really decrease whiteheads. I highly recommend going through your makeup to find what could be aging your skin!

For a full list of pore-clogging ingredients & all of this in more detail, check out Emily Morrow’s Pore Clogger List. She’s the one who really brought all this information together for me & introduced me to Clearstem.

It wasn’t until recently when I switched to Clearstem that my forehead wrinkles really started to dissipate as well as any leftover, pesky clogged pores that were still lingering! This was a breakthrough moment for me that honestly gave me much relief & helped me worry much less about my the aging that comes along with a beautiful life. I’m feeling confident that I will be confident in my skin for a long time.

It has been a long journey of learning & unlearning. I used to get monthly facials with estheticians using spa-quality products but now I know their products had pore clogger ingredients which were keeping my skin in this perpetual “almost nice” state.

I am so glad to be sharing this knowledge with you & am so grateful for the clear skin I get to wake up with everyday. I pray you can also experience that & if you need help getting functional lab testing to get to the root cause or have questions about your skincare, please reach out! I’m happy to help.

Use Code: LIFELABWELLNESSCO for a discount!

A Natural Beauty

Happy National Day of Love, folks! In honor of Valentines Day, I'm heading back to the roots of New Years intent of self-love. I believe it's important to at least take one day out of the week to treat yourself and spend some quality time relaxing with the most important person in your life, YOU.

Since partaking on this health journey, I've not only changed my food habits, but also my beauty routine.  Just like conventional food, the products you wash your hair with, rub on your face, and clean with are made using harsh chemicals that should honestly be banned.  If you've been having ongoing health concerns, take a look at your medicine cabinet and shower products.  If you can't pronounce an ingredient AND have no idea what it is, it could be affecting your body internally.   (Check out how toxic your current cosmetics are in The Cosmetic Database.)

My favorite act of self-love is a detox bath.  I've made it a routine in my weekly schedule, and it was even recommended by my naturopathic doctor.  Below are some products I use consistently, free from chemicals and twisted ingredients.

Health Favorites

1/ Dry Skin Brush: One of my favorite products, this is used before your shower or bath.  It has a plethora of benefits, mainly becoming popular for removing cellulite, as well as to stimulate circulation, tone muscles, and eliminate clogged pores. (It also preps my legs for a cleaner shave.) Always start at your feet, and use long strokes up the body towards the heart.

Detox Bath Soak: Since the skin is the largest organ used for detoxing the body, this soak does it all in one sitting.  This San Francisco based company has many different blends of salts, catering to whatever your needs are.

Aztec Healing Clay:  I have used almost every face wash on the market and this has battled my skin problems better than anything I have ever used.  When blended with apple cider vinegar and brushed on the skin, it hardens within 15 minutes to create smaller pores, less blackheads, and overall more appealing skin tone.  Use right before you get in your detox bath, to get double the internal cleansing benefits.

Norwex Cloths: Want to stop using face wash altogether?!  These microfiber cloths are infused with silver thread, creating an antibacterial cloth when activated by water.  These get rid of my makeup better than anything topical I have used, and cleanse way better than chemical laden washes.  These make it easier to travel; I don't have to have an extra bottle in my bag!  Definitely a must have.  They are sold by independent distributors, so find someone near you and help out a small, local business.  (They also carry household-cleaning clothes, check out this video...)

Essential Oils:  These can be used for just about anything, but I love adding them to my bath water.  My favorites are lavender for relaxing at night, and a sandalwood/vetiver mixture for morning time.

Treat yourself, Heal Yourself, and Love Yourself.

Try Mary's Self-Love Meditation today as well. This is one of my favorites.


What natural products do you use in your daily beauty routines? Also, what are some essential oils that are must-haves around the home?  I'm looking to expand my collection. Thanks!

Much Love, Leah