Therasage & The Ultimate Detox Tools

A foundation in my Health Freedom Program is supporting & working on Drainage- which is essentially your bodies systems of elimination. This includes your cells, kidneys, lymph, liver, skin & colon.

Making sure these 6 areas are optimized & “open” will help you get well & STAY well long-term (that’s the ultimate goal, right?!)

If these areas are not open & waste its not moving through them- your body gets backed up with toxins & cellular debris.

The debris & toxins get circulated back through these systems to try again which continues to clog the drainage pathways (yuck!). This can lead to slower organ functioning, hormonal problems, gut dysbiosis, anxiety, acne & all kinds of other symptoms.

One of my favorite tools to use routinely is the Therasage Portable Sauna. Sweating helps to increase lymphatic flow & release toxins. I’ve personally passed parasites JUST from using this sauna & taking ZERO anti-parasitic herbs or supplements. I could hardly believe it!


   ☀  Detoxification

   ☀  Decrease Inflammation

   ☀  Increase circulation 

   ☀  Relieve pain

   ☀  Burn calories

   ☀  Sleep Better 

   ☀  Immune Enhancement & Promote overall health and wellness

   ☀  Mitochondria Support and Enhanced Energy

   ☀  Increased Natural Nitric Oxide and Redox Molecule Production

   ☀  Anti-Aging Benefits; Collagen Production, Cellulite Reduction   

Use Code: LEAHB for a discount!

This company makes some other amazing products that I highly recommend for mitochondrial support & nervous system support.

The PEMF mat is another great tool in your toolkit. We got my parents a PEMF mat & they noticed amazing benefits in their sleep. My dad has honestly never slept a full night until he started using this mat. Sleep is incredibly important for preventing dementia & Alzheimers (deep sleep is when plaque is removed from the brain!) & incredibly necessary for optimizing metabolic function, hormones, circadian rhythm & more. If you’re not sleeping, you’re not healing. This mat has 9 different modes & settings depending on what exactly you need & also has a TENS unit which is great for pain management

Benefits of TENS therapy can include:

  • Pain relief

  • Increased circulation to the area

  • Reduced muscle tension and spasms

  • Promotes relaxation and deeper sleep

  • Reduced anxiety and depression

  • Improved range of motion

Potential Benefits of PEMF:

  • Improved blood flow

  • Improved digestion

  • Deeper sleep

  • Relief from allergies

  • Improvements in athletic performance and recovery

  • Reduction in pain and tension

  • Improved mood

  • Sharper cognitive function

  • Improved drainage 

  • Immune support

  • Improved energy

We also own their weighted gem blanket & weighted eye mask. Honestly, every product this company makes it top notch.

Remember, these arent just things to artificially make you feel better- they are the tools to have in your home to get well & stay well for life. Without proper detoxification & optimal mitochondrial functioning, our cells cannot work well. If our cells arent working well, they cannot create new tissue. Tissue creation leads to organ regeneration & then impacts entire organ system functioning. All health starts a cellular level!

What health-building tools do you have on your wishlist?

Anti-Aging, Hormone Friendly Skincare

After years of trying different “clean” skincare products, I have finally found something that has produced visible results & is safe for those on a journey of balancing their hormones & reducing toxic products.

I thought I’d struggle with large pores for the rest of my life because it was “genetic” from my grandfathers side. Well let me tell ya, that is NOT the case!

In just one wash using the Clearity (that’s designed for cleaning out & minimizing pores) my pores were purging gunk & shrinking up. This stuff is amazing!

Optimizing Skin Barrier

skin ph, acidic, alkaline, optimal skin

Let’s begin with some wildly important info to understand.

The skin has a barrier called the ACID MANTLE & it needs to be maintained at a specific pH to keep bacterial balance in check, prevent water loss & protect against environmental pollutants.

Most products on the market are too acidic or too alkaline which damages this barrier & causes bacterial imbalance (which can lead to acne, dryness, sensitivity & inflammation).

I first learned about this 5 years ago when we bought a Kangen water machine. It makes a specific pH balanced water called “Beauty Water” that’s designed to be a natural toner & great for the skin. It has a pH of 5.5 - 6 which is the perfect pH for optimal skin health. Once I started washing my face with this & using it as a toner several times a day, I really started to notice an increase in my skin’s hydration & “glowiness”.

(This slightly acidic water is also what makes my houseplants thrive! Healthy soil & thriving plants need the same pH balance as our skin!)

Using filtered & ionized water that is designed to support skin health along with this line of smartly designed skincare products will help you get the anti-aging results you’ve been looking for.

Acne & skin health is also very much INTERNAL

Another important thing to note is that what is happening on the inside of your body will show up on the outside of your body.

I personally struggled with terribly painful cystic acne for years until I did a stool test & discovered I had several bacterial infections wreaking havoc in my body.

After working on my gut health, removing the infections & balancing my hormones I found myself totally cystic acne-free for the first time in SO long!

From there on, I still struggled with whiteheads & clogged pores until I switched to washing & rinsing with the Beauty Water from our Kangen machine.

Soon after that, I quit wearing face makeup entirely which started to really decrease whiteheads. I highly recommend going through your makeup to find what could be aging your skin!

For a full list of pore-clogging ingredients & all of this in more detail, check out Emily Morrow’s Pore Clogger List. She’s the one who really brought all this information together for me & introduced me to Clearstem.

It wasn’t until recently when I switched to Clearstem that my forehead wrinkles really started to dissipate as well as any leftover, pesky clogged pores that were still lingering! This was a breakthrough moment for me that honestly gave me much relief & helped me worry much less about my the aging that comes along with a beautiful life. I’m feeling confident that I will be confident in my skin for a long time.

It has been a long journey of learning & unlearning. I used to get monthly facials with estheticians using spa-quality products but now I know their products had pore clogger ingredients which were keeping my skin in this perpetual “almost nice” state.

I am so glad to be sharing this knowledge with you & am so grateful for the clear skin I get to wake up with everyday. I pray you can also experience that & if you need help getting functional lab testing to get to the root cause or have questions about your skincare, please reach out! I’m happy to help.

Use Code: LIFELABWELLNESSCO for a discount!

Financing Your Health Journey

I get it- being healthy seems like it takes a lot of work, a lot of time & a LOT of money.

The truth is, STAYING healthy & keeping yourself in a “maintenance phase” is not expensive or tons of work but getting to the root of the problem & getting equipped to maintain health long term CAN be an initial investment into your long-term health maintenance plan.

In the depths of my own immense health struggle 10+ years ago, I was reluctant to ask for help or spend money (that I didn’t have) on lab testing, better water filtration systems, IV therapy, custom supplements, etc.

Unfortunately, my body was hitting a major breaking point where I had to leave my dream job & quit my last year of college because my brain literally wouldn’t work anymore. I remember sitting at the computer of my interior design job trying to work on a custom kitchen plan & my brain having no idea what to do. It was hard to even get my hand to move the mouse, let alone work & concentrate on a very intricate project….

I may not LOOK sick here, but this was right after I quit school & my dream job. My brain was on fire & I could hardly function. My anxiety was so high I couldn’t go anywhere by myself or contribute to the household much. My boyfriend (now husband) took me in for a year & helped me rehab my body through proper nutrition, brain work, functional lab testing, supportive body movement, IV therapy with my practitioner & more.

At that point, I had no other choice if I wanted to live a quality life. I had to invest in something more than the mainstream doctor's advice that was covered by my health insurance. I was only getting worse & at age 21 I was losing my life & watching my dreams rush down the drain.

I ended up asking my family for help financially & putting my treatments on a credit card. Within months, my brain was turning back on, my stomach problems were going away, my hormones were rising & I was feeling SO much better in a short amount of time.

Feeling better led me to get back into school to finish my degree, graduate top of my class, win “Best in Show” for my graduate thesis project, & go on to start a business that led me to pay back my initial investments from those I borrowed from.

Health is Wealth. That’s the truth.

Without optimal health, how do we serve our family?
How do we have the energy to cook nutritious meals & play with our children?
Without a thriving body, how do we actually enjoy life & feel good enough to travel & garden & invest & create & love?

I know that in the depths of my health issues, It just wasn’t possible to create new relationships, start a business, work, or even read a book because it was just too challenging for my brain & body to handle.

If I hadn’t invested those thousands of dollars in the beginning, I know for a fact I would have never graduated with a college degree or gone on to create a career I love. Optimal health is a pre-requisite to the dreams & life you desire.

Options You have

  1. Save Up
    Decide where you can cut corners in your current spending & start putting that money away into a separate account you don’t touch. My husband & I shared one car for years. We sold his vehicle & bought mine in cash and have not had a car payment for 6+ years now! Without a car payment, we can use that money elsewhere for our investments, health care, children’s private schooling & so much more.

    Was it an adjustment to have one car? YES.
    Was it worth it all these years later? YES

  2. Finance Your Investment With CC

    Most of my clients have had great success with getting 24-month zero-interest credit cards which make their monthly payments for my full health coaching around $150/month.

    This is a great way to pay off your investment over time for a low monthly rate.

    Advanced Care Credit is a company many clients & practitioner friends have used over the years to finance their medical & health purchases.

    There are thousands of more credit cards out there with great rates. If you are a responsible money manager, this is a simple route to go.

  3. In House Financing

    Most companies have in-house financing available, which usually costs a bit more in fees & interest vs. financing with a zero-interest credit card. If you are looking at one of my coaching programs (or someone else’s) there are usually payment plan options if you ask. If you’re looking to get a water filtration & ionization system set up, the company I work with offers 6 month- 24 month financing available.

  4. Make More Money

    More easily said than done right?! I totally get it. Asking for a raise or starting your own business for some extra cash isn’t necessarily easy but again- is totally worth it in the end! After 10 years of entrepreneurship, my top advice for making more money in a way that doesn’t suck all your time away from you can be found here:

    If you want to truly uplevel your life & learn how to create an automated, high-ticket business online- that free video is for you. I’ve spent THOUSANDS of dollars over the years learning what we teach in our platform there & it’s now all accessible to you.

If you need further assistance with financing your health needs, please reach out anytime.
My team & I have more detailed resources for those who are serious about changing their life & need more support.

I know exactly how it feels to have no hope, no energy & no clear path forward. Luckily, I have gone before you in this area & am so grateful to say I’ve overcome, healed fully & turned my life around. If you want the same for yourself, I’m here to help those who are truly motivated & ready to move forward.

Cheers to your health,

Leah B

Dental Cavities & Micronutrients For Health

Have you dealt with recurrent cavities, gum recession & other mouth issues?

Maybe you’ve tried changing toothpaste, using remineralized paste, gut support - but nothing is changing?

There are MANY vitamins & minerals that contribute to the structure & support of our teeth & oral health. Not only do we need these nutrients in our body, we need to make sure they are getting INSIDE YOUR CELLS.

So how do we make sure we have sufficient nutrients inside our cells? All it takes is a simple micronutrient blood test.

Regular blood work is extracellular blood work- which looks at what is currently inside the serum but outside of the cell. This is a static measurement - essentially a screenshot in time- of what is being transported in your body.

Intracellular blood work, on the other hand, measures nutrient status, in the context of cellular function, over a period of 4-6 months. Many times there is plenty in the serum but a problem with cell membranes that is inhibiting nutrients to cross over into the cells to do their job. Nutrients getting into the cells is the whole point of function, so it makes sense we would want to look & see what is being inhibited.

What Vitamins & Minerals are Important For Teeth?

CALCIUM: Probably the most well-recognized mineral when it comes to teeth. The popular “drink milk” campaign was everywhere in the ’90s! It’s well known that a calcium deficiency can weaken enamel & can lead to calcium deposits on teeth.

VITAMIN C: This nutrient helps hold your teeth in place & prevents them from loosening! It’s also important for growth, repair & reversal of gingivitis. Eat more berries, broccoli, citrus fruit, kale, peppers & sweet potatoes to enhance Vitamin C.

VITAMIN D: Adequate levels of this vitamin help calcium’s absorption rate & is critical for tooth mineralization & optimal bone mineral density. If you struggle with gum inflammation, cavities or gum disease, this is vital to get checked out! Make sure you’re getting adequate sun exposure & foods like fish, cheese, dairy & mushrooms to optimize Vitamin D.

VITAMIN K: This can help increase bone strength & increase healing. Bleeding gums & tooth decay can happen if the body is deficient in K. It helps to defend again bacteria & remineralize teeth from the inside out. Foods like eggs, chicken pork, hard cheeses, & leafy greens are great sources for this vitamin.

MAGNESIUM: It is used in conjunction with calcium to form enamel & keep it strong, therefore a decrease in magnesium can weaken tooth enamel.

ZINC: Zinc is known to protect against gingivitis & works towards demineralization - reducing the risk of cavities.

B12: This important B vitamin helps make red blood cells which carry oxygen to the tissues of your mouth. It helps absorb calcium & can prevent mouth ulcers.

PHOSPHORUS: Another important one that works with calcium to keep bones strong & strengthen enamel. It is also a precursor to the body making its’ own hydroxyapatite.

Cell membranes & bioavailability

You may have enough of these micronutrients in your blood but sometimes they have a hard time being transported FROM the blood to INSIDE the cell to do their jobs. This means that the nutrient is present but is not able to be used - or is un-bioavailable.

A telltale sign of this problem is a deficiency in OLEIC ACID & other essential fatty acids. They are essential to making sure the cell membranes are functioning correctly.

Getting daily high quality olive oil is a great way to increase Oleic Acid levels. Other important things for optimal cell membranes are fish oils, phospholipids, & linoleic acid. You can see my favorite Cell Membrane Supplements inside Fullscript. Create an account for 20% off your supplements for life.

In the video below, I talk about my experience with my palate expansion device as well as how the above micronutrient levels play an important part in maintaining bone & enamel health.

Interested in checking your intracellular micronutrient status & seeing if any deficiencies could be leading to your teeth problems?

Click the button below & I’d be glad to help you out!

Pre & Postnatal Blueprint for Pregnancy & Postpartum

In my own pregnancy & postpartum journey, I wished for a way to optimize my health & my baby’s health.

Was I getting enough vitamins & minerals?
How much did I really need?
What about my MTHFR mutations?
How does that change my nutrient requirements?
I heard methylation is important for baby development but how do I know if I’m methylating well?

These were all questions I had that never got answered until much later in my own postpartum journey. I’m hoping that many more women now can understand & optimize this for themselves in this wildly important season of development & creation.

My midwife & doc did the standard bloodwork & “everything was fine” but it just didn’t feel like I was doing everything I could to enhance my pregnancy & postpartum period.

It’s time for women to have access to a custom nutritional protocol to follow through pregnancy & the postpartum period. No more guessing what you need supplement-wise or confusion about what foods are best for your blood sugar in this season.

Benefits of Optimizing Methylation

Methylation is a process that happens every second of every day throughout your body. It is important for gene regulation, detoxification, & cellular adaptability. Your organs, tissues & fetus development are dependent on these processes happening well & to their fullest potential.

With more specific blood testing, we can now see what is happening inside your cells over the past 6 months of time & how much of each vital vitamin, mineral, amino acid & antioxidant is getting inside the cells to do their job. (Regular bloodwork looks at what is happening outside the cell in a single instant.)

You’ll even get a printout of your own methylation cycle like the one shown here. You’ll know precisely what areas of methylation need support & specifically how to support them. No more guessing!

Customize your nutrition & know exactly what will fuel your body best

We’ll also examine your Metabolic Type & Food Sensitivities that lead to a lowered immune system. These two screenings will give you a customized nutrition plan that’s designed to give you energy, optimize your metabolic rate, fuel yourself at a cellular level & keep your blood sugar balanced.

Ability to Create a Custom Multi-Vitamin

We’ll use this information to craft your own custom prenatal vitamin based on exactly what you need & precisely what you DO NOT need. We don’t want to consume things we don’t need, as that can cause overloads & disrupt the balance of other vitamins/minerals. It’s clear that everyone is different & everyone needs different levels of certain foods & certain micronutrients.

With this package, you’ll have access to a custom compounded 90-day supplement in either capsule or powdered form. This makes it super simple to get all the nutrition you need!

In my experience, it’s easiest and fastest to TEST & NOT GUESS.

Having a plan that is custom to you & designed to get you optimal results is the future of personalized healthcare. You & your baby are worth the extra investigation to make sure you’re both getting what you need.

If that’s something you think you’d benefit from, you can access those lab screenings &
coaching support with the button above.